Click the buttons below to sort the videos as required:
The doctor calls a pregnant patient who has been bleeding
The doctor explains a Q-Risk result to a patient
The examiner comments on how this doctor dealt with a vomiting baby
The doctor has a telephone consultation with a patient with recurrent UTIs
The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with a patient with dementia
The doctor deals with a patient who is worried about the appearance of her nails.
The doctor deals with a patient worried about her fertility.
The examiner comments on how this doctor handled a call with a pregnant patient who has been bleeding
The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with this patient with low mood
The doctor deals with a vomiting baby
The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with a potential adult safeguarding issue
The doctor deals with a potential adult safeguarding issue
The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with a patient with a painful elbow.
The examiner comments on how this doctor discussed family planning with a same sex couple
The examiner comments on how this doctor explained a Q-Risk result to a patient
The doctor deals with starting a patient on a DOAC (Direct Oral Anti Coagulant)
The examiner comments on how this doctor handles a telephone consultation with someone with probable shingles
The examiner comments on how this doctor handles a telephone consultation with a patient with recurrent UTIs
The examiner comments on how this doctor deals a patient worried about her fertility.
The doctor discusses family planning with a same sex couple
The doctor deals with a patient with low mood
The doctor has a telephone consultation with a patient with probable shingles
The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with starting a patient on a DOAC (Direct Oral Anti Coagulant)
The doctor deals with a patient with dementia
The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with a patient with redness on his face.