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Video Library

Gynaecology & Breast

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Bleeding in Pregnancy with Mark Scheme (SCA)

The examiner comments on how this doctor handled a call with a pregnant patient who has been bleeding

Recurrent UTI (SCA)

The doctor has a telephone consultation with a patient with recurrent UTIs

Breast Screening with Examiner Commentary

The examiner comments on how the doctor performed on this case where a patient is worried about her family history of breast cancer.

Cervical Cancer with Examiner Commentary

The doctor doctor deals with a patient with potential cervical cancer, with examiner commentary.

Bleeding in Pregnancy (SCA)

The doctor calls a pregnant patient who has been bleeding

Recurrent UTI with Mark Scheme (SCA)

The examiner comments on how this doctor handles a telephone consultation with a patient with recurrent UTIs

Breast Screening

The doctor see's a patient who is worried about a family history of breast cancer.

HRT with Examiner Commentary

The examiner comments on how this doctor manages this lady who has menopausal symptoms.

Fertility - Same Sex Couple (SCA)

The doctor discusses family planning with a same sex couple

Infertility (SCA)

The doctor deals with a patient worried about her fertility.


The doctor deals with a patient with mastitis.

Cervical Cancer

The doctor doctor deals with a patient with potential cervical cancer.

Fertility - Same Sex Couple with Mark Scheme (SCA)

The examiner comments on how this doctor discussed family planning with a same sex couple

Infertility with Mark Scheme (SCA)

The examiner comments on how this doctor deals a patient worried about her fertility.


The doctor manages a lady who has menopausal symptoms.

Mastitis with Examiner Commentary

The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with a patient with mastitis.

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