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Video Library

Cardiovascular Disease

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QRisk Discussion

The doctor explains a Q-Risk result to a patient

Heart Failure with Examiner Commentary

The examiner comments on this doctors consultation with a patient with suspected heart failure.


The doctor deals with a patient presenting with Angina

QRisk Discussion with Mark Scheme (SCA)

The examiner comments on how this doctor explained a Q-Risk result to a patient

Heart Failure

The doctors consultation a patient with suspected heart failure.

New A with Examiner Commentary

The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with a patient with new AF.

DOAC Counselling with Mark Scheme (SCA)

The examiner comments on how this doctor deals with starting a patient on a DOAC (Direct Oral Anti Coagulant)

Angina with Examiner Commentary

The examiner comments on how the doctor did in this case where a patient has angina.

DOAC Counselling (SCA)

The doctor deals with starting a patient on a DOAC (Direct Oral Anti Coagulant)

New AF

The doctor deals with a patient with new AF.

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